Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A State of Flux and Transition

I am currently in a sort of quandry.

In short, my quandry is what to do with this blog.

I haven't really used it for a couple months because I haven't felt the need to use it.  Nothing really happens that warrants posting about; things that do happen are so ridiculous they aren't worth wasting the energy on anymore.

When I first created this blog, it was at the suggestion of someone whom I thought had my best interests at heart when he suggested it.  In hindsight, I know now that he used the blog as a stand-in for himself because he doesn't have the maturity, social graces, or common decency to actually be there for someone when they need him.  He thought that my writing in a blog would replace his emotional support.  Now that he's out of my life and I'm moving ahead, I really have no need for this blog as I've been using it.  Much of the negative I was writing about no longer applies; my family (for all their annoyances) and I are on better terms, and I'm better than I've been in a long time.

One idea I have is to make it a creativity blog.  I've started sewing, I'm getting back into writing, and a space like this would be good to post in and help me stay motivated.  (Now, if only I didn't leave my camera in Pasadena...oy.)

So, yes.  This space will be much more positive from here on out.  The 'Transition' is over, and now it's time for the end result of that transition.  Good riddance to the bad rubbish I dealt with, and look ahead to what's coming.  We'll see where things go from here.