Monday, September 12, 2011

Freewrite 9/12: A Tenuous Olive Branch

So you might remember a while back I had talked about cutting my parents out of my life completely due to their perceived toxicity?  It's kind of a long story, but this is sort of an update to that.

Saturday was Mom's birthday, so naturally I called her to wish her a Happy Birthday.  We talked for a little while about things, and she really seemed interested in my schooling.  She gave her typical 'Mom' advice, and we ended our chat on a positive note. 

Continuing on, Mom had mentioned my sister moving to Virginia with her job, so last night I called and chatted with her for a while.  As with Mom, she seemed really interested, and gave some good 'Big Sis' advice that I'll definitely be keeping in mind and pondering on. 

I hadn't realized how much I missed Stephanie and James, how much I really miss home.  For all the really bad -especially there at the end before I left- there was a lot of good as well.  I miss the Terriers, miss the Boxers, miss the chats Mom and I would have about school...I really could go on.  I reiterated with both Mom and Steph that I'd like to visit if I can manage, and they seemed open to it.

The volatile variable in all of this still seems to be Dad.  When I talked with Grandma, she was telling me that she felt Mom wasn't able to tell her as much as she might have wanted (and by extension didn't seem that receptive to what was said) because Dad may have been nearby.  Talking with Steph confirms this a bit better, as she told me Dad's the same as he ever was.  That really worries me, and I told her as such.  She reassured me that Mom's dealt with it for 33 years now, so she's likely the best person to keep dealing with him, so to speak.  Still, that doesn't sit well with me.  I don't like the idea of her being in that environment, even if she 'knows best how to handle him'.  That really doesn't seem fair.

But then, not a lot of things in life are fair, are they?

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