Monday, October 31, 2011

Freewrite 10/31: Pulling the Plug

It is done.  I am done, and I am over it.

I'm tired of the bad treatment, tired of being strung along, tired of being told I'm somehow 'lesser' for merely being human, tired of my caring being thrown back in my face...all of it.  I'd been wavering for the past few months about Justin, but I know now that cutting him out of my life is the right thing to do.  He cannot and will not treat me with respect, he refuses to compromise or attempt any sort of understanding, then he blames me for his behavior. 

Any friendship with him had essentially been on life support for the past few months as I evaluated how he was treating me.  While there have been good times, there have been even more bad times, even more times when he refused to treat me with the simplest decency, then told me it was somehow MY fault that HE chose to behave in that manner.

And I'm done.  It hurt to come to this decision, but I can't be hurt anymore while waiting for him to be decent.  I won't let myself be hurt while wishing he were the type of man I know he can be.  He can be so much more than he is, but I can't let myself wait for the day he realizes that fact.  He chose to be this way, I now choose to walk away.

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