Saturday, April 2, 2011

Freewrite 4/2: Normal

As far as learning goes, I'm more on the book-smart side.  Give me something intellectual and academic and I'll learn as much about it as I can, then bore you with the details.  It's why school has always been a double-edged sword for me; I learn quickly, but find the busywork tedious and counter-productive even when it's seen as 'necessary'.  It's a fact that Mom always trotted out when she felt she needed to, to remind me of the fact for some odd reason.

But me?  I'd have traded the book-smarts away a long time ago for the chance to have been more normal.  One thing I always wished as an adolescent (then as a teenager) was the chance to be like others my age.  I wanted the chance to be as normal a girl as possible, I wanted to date, to be into fashion...all of it.  But I was often steered away from it, told I had 'more important things' than thinking about boys, or being a silly teen, or whatever other mischief I could get into.  I may have been steered away from much of it, but that didn't mean I didn't indulge in it to some extent or other.  My parents didn't like it -especially Mom- and they often kept steering me away from it, as did my sister.  I wasn't fitting into their perception of what I should be, and I was odd in their eyes for that reason.

Trust me, I could sense it then.  And I can still feel it now from time to time.  It's one thing I currently love about Justin and how he makes me feel.  He humanizes me, makes me feel I'm more than my intellect.  I can be softer around him (to an extent) without worrying I'll be called out for being 'too soft'.  I don't have to hide behind my smarts, I can show more of myself.

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