Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Freewrite 3/30: Wistfulness

I was pondering this as I travelled to school this morning.  From my current location, the only feasible way for me to make my Wednesday morning class on time is to take the Metrolink.  It's a nice way to travel, don't get me wrong.  Hell, I'd stretch things a bit and say it's my favorite way to travel.  You just have to get used to the schedule.

This morning, I was thinking as I changed trains in Union Station.  I noticed that I tend to get a bit wistful as I take the trains to/from school (or wherever else I might need to take it).  It's a strange habit that I tend to do unconsciously.  I know why it is, but it doesn't make it any less bothersome when it comes up.  I guess I've missed those times when I'd travel up from San Diego to see Justin for a weekend a month or so.  I miss him from time to time as well, miss what we used to really share and talk about.  If things turn out the way I'm hoping they will in the next few weeks or so, I'll have even more reason to miss him, at least for the interim.  But we shall see.

Short posting today.  I have other things on my mind, but it's too soon to say anything about them, lest I jinx things.

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