Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Freewrite 4/26: Whirlwind

How do I quantify this month?  Let me use one word (okay, expression):  ACK!

I have really kept myself going this month!  In addition to school, I've had a few other projects and sidequests (geek chick FTW here) that have kept me rolling.  I've been so busy that I haven't really thought to write in this for the month, yet I really haven't felt it affect me too badly.  It's rather interesting how that works; I'd thought I'd need to write more frequently, yet I just went the majority of the month without a post.  Weird.

So, what has this busy girl been busy with?  At the most mundane, my usual life functions.  Sleeping, eating, working, going to school, playing video games...real exciting stuff there.  At the not-so-mundane?  These:

~I've stepped up on the Podcast Justin and a couple friends of ours work on together.  I was planning to be more involved from the revival, but life kept getting in the way.  Now I can step in and do more.  I've got more of a voice on the show itself, and I'm gradually getting into the audio and website editing.  If this is my boyfriend's baby, I should help him nurture it whenever I can, shouldn't I?  (In case anyone's curious, you can find the main website at http://scarlet-rhapsody.com/geekfm/.  Take a listen!)

~I've been volunteering behind-the-scenes with the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade.  For Episode 10 of the aforementioned GeekFM Podcast, we interviewed Ryan Omega, who is involved with the LoJ.  While talking to him before the show and interview, I expressed a desire to volunteer to help out, and he has very awesomely kept me in the loop about shoots and othersuch.  Monday of last week, I volunteered on the first video shoot for the LoJ, and if all goes well, I plan to do so again this Thursday for another shoot.  It's going to be a LOT of fun!  I really look forward to seeing Ryan, Shawn, Sasha, and everyone involved with LoJ again.  (And who knows?  Maybe I can go to this year's LoJ.  I heard a friend talk about going last year, and I've wanted to go since then.)

So that's essentially been my free time in a nutshell.  Nothing utterly fascinating (except to me), but still enough to keep me rolling and keep me happy.  It's been a good -if not busy- month, and we'll see where things go from here.

(I do have other thoughts.  Those I'll stick in a separate post, since they're long, slightly rambly, and could take a while to properly formulate.)

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