Friday, August 19, 2011

Freewrite 8/19 1/2: Hope

As I sat trying to unsuccessfully clear my head enough to sleep, I started pondering things.  Two in particular occurred to me.

The 22nd of this month is a pretty big milestone for this girl.  My 8-month healing milestone.  Yup, it will have been 8 months ago on the 22nd of this month that I was able to leave the toxic environment that I had been in for my entire life.  I've never held any illusions that it would be easy, or fun, or any other little cutting mockeries that have been tossed at me; believe me, 'fun' is one of the last words I would use to describe the process.  I've learned a lot about myself and what I'm capable of, as well as just how strong I can be.  Things can really only go up from here, and it's a ride I'm looking forward to taking.

The other?  A topic for the next post.  It warrants its own separate entry, believe me.

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