Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Freewrite 8/2: Further cutting

Adding onto my prior posting about cutting Justin off...

Becky and I have been talking and hashing things out.  And we're both done.  Finished.  Fed up with how he's treating us both.  He still refuses to treat me with any sort of respect, refuses to act toward me like the friend he promised he would be, and he treats Becky as though she's a toy to him.  When he's called on it, he answers with excuses and whining, but no action.  And we're both tired of it.  We're tired of his games, we're tired of his lacking respect...all of it.

So from here on out, she and I both are cutting him off.  As with my own decision, if he actually gets his head out of his ass and starts treating us with decency and respect, then we'll consider letting him back into our lives.  But this is getting us nowhere.  And it hurts.  It really hurts to watch him keep burying himself with no desire to change his circumstances.  But we can't save him.  I can't save him.  He has to do the job himself, has to admit that he has major problems and needs help with them.  Until he does, he'll just keep drowning in his own stagnation, always whining and making excuses about why he isn't a success.  All the while, he'll blame other people for his own failings, never taking responsibility for his own actions.

And we're done.  Done watching him drown himself with no struggle to free himself from his own problems.  Maybe if he admits to his problems and works on bettering himself we'll be back.  Until then, we aren't holding our collective breath.

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