Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Freewrite 7/13: Edge

So things have been...interesting, to say the least.  But Becky and I are on the same page here.

We both wanted to be friends with Justin.  But now, after she and I have been talking extensively, we're in agreement.  He has been incredibly disrespectful toward both of us recently, and he refuses to man up and take responsibility for his actions.  In short, he acts as though we're here to fulfill his needs, without his feeling he has to do the same for us.  Last time I checked, we girls aren't objects.  We're individuals with emotions and needs of our own, and we're sick of the lack of respect he regards us with.

He tells me that I'm 'irrational', that I have 'issues'.  He does anything in his power to hurt me, then pawns me off on Becky while telling her that I'm 'her problem' because we're best friends.  He even once told her (quoted practically verbatim) that he 'hates to play this card, but she's your friend', never mind that I was supposed to be his friend as well.  He refuses to take responsibility for his own behavior, acting instead as though he's totally innocent.  He says he resents me for my 'issues', but refuses to give me the time I need to find the security I need in order to keep them from becoming troublesome.  (I've mentioned in this space before that my past traumas and other issues are exacerbated by a lack of security.  Once I'm going 150% in the right direction, they won't affect me quite as much.)  He wouldn't even be supportive when I needed a friendly ear for a few minutes after my last chitchat with Mom.  Even though he's been told not to do it, he continues to try hitting on Becky, even when I'm right there in his company.  When called on it, he shrugs it off and says he doesn't care, since I'm 'no longer his problem'.  He shows bare bits of emotion to me when he really wants something, but he refuses to be there for me in any capacity that would resemble the 'friendship' he told me he wanted.  To make things that much worse (and more insulting), he insists up one side and down the other that he remains on 'good terms' with all of his ex-girlfriends.  If that really is the case, then why is he treating me like shit?  Does he really care that little, or is he just lying through his teeth so he's not painted as the 'bad guy' in all of this?  Last time I checked, I didn't lose my right to courtesy the moment he threw his little tantrums and insisted he was 'done'.

As for Becky, he pretty much treats her as though she's some sort of prize to be caught (as per my prior remark about his hitting on her).  He doesn't act as though she has any other feelings beyond that, or that she should receive anything other than cursory attention.  She's been sidelined for a few days now with a sprained ankle, and he's barely even acknowledged it, let alone told her he hopes it gets better soon or some other jazz.  All of his actions make her essentially feel used, which she appreciates (as in abhors) because they dredge up all sorts of painful memories for her.

So in short Justin, thanks for being a selfish douchebag.  Thanks for alienating two people who truly care about you and don't want to cut you out of their lives completely.  I literally am about thisclose to cutting him 100% out of my life and never so much as letting him breathe on me again, and I'm pretty sure Becky feels the same way.  He is a selfish, disrespectful asshole who refuses to grow up and take responsibility for his behavior, and we refuse to be the subjects of his disrespect.  We are NOT his playthings to be used and tossed out on a whim, we deserve all the courtesy and respect in the world, simply because we're human beings.  If he wants those, he needs to buy himself a few more Megatron figures for his collection.  But he has NO right to treat us like garbage, and honestly, we won't even consider keeping up any sort of relationship with him (asides from an EXTREMELY cursory one at Faire/Guild events) if he won't grow the fuck up and realize that.

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