Sunday, July 24, 2011

Freewrite 7/24: Excision

This has been a while coming.  It's taken me a lot of thought, a lot of tears, a lot of everything these past few weeks.  I really think a lot of this is what Vic went through a few months ago when she cut Justin out for good.

In short, he's getting exactly what he wants.  He has shown just how much he hates me, just how much he wishes I weren't there, so I'm planning to no longer be there.  He has shown no consideration for me, for my feelings, for anything pertaining to me that doesn't also jibe with his own selfish wants.  He has been called out on his behavior several times, but he blows it off.  I've watched him be lazy, waffle on his own wants and goals, and refuse to take any responsibility for his life and his choices.

I'm not saying 'good riddance' to him or anything of that sort.  If I take this route, I take no pleasure in it whatsoever.  But I can't focus on my future when he's being a horrible so-called 'friend'.  He says he wants to be friends, but he makes it all about HIM and HIS schedules and HIS wants.  He refuses to try to balance between his wants and needs and mine.  Being friends is about compromise and balance between two parties, not stacked unnecessarily in favor of one party.

In short, if he really wants to have anything to do with me, then that's great and I'd be glad to have him as a part of my life when I'm entering a very exciting phase of it.  Otherwise, I've come extremely close to wanting absolutely nothing to do with him.  He won't change, he refuses to see that his actions are problematic, and I don't need that.

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