Saturday, January 22, 2011

Odds and Ends

I meant to do this last night, but I was so worn out by the time I thought of it that I put it off until today. I hope this provides something of a window into why I wanted to do this.

Some of it can be attributed to Justin. He's encouraged/pestered me to write about my feelings and my thoughts, so I get rid of the burden if nothing else. I'd thought about simply tacking on as a guest blogger on another blog I frequent, but I decided to take Justin's suggestion and start my own space. So here it is.

How often will I write? Depends on the day and my mind and mood. Some days I'll have a ton on my mind, so I might write three or four posts in a day. Other days I'll literally have nothing on my mind, so I'll only post once. Generally I'll still try to write even on days when I have nothing 'good' to say. (I do still have tons of stories to share, after all.)

Feel free to ask me questions, either here or on my FB page. Be advised, however, that I might have to decline queries at times due to their nature. If I'm triggered by a question, I'll initially abstain from answering, at least until I feel like I can do so without falling apart.

Rats, I'm getting rambly. Back on track.

In short, I ask humbly for respect and courtesy. I have a LOT that feels wrong with me, and I would be grateful for simple courtesy as I go through this journey. I hope to help others as I help myself, but I find I'm reluctant to write if I feel like I'll be attacked. It's all personal, it's all been private, and it all can trigger me. Hang in there with me.

And of course, ask if you feel the need to. (Sorry for the redundancy, I felt it warranted repeating.)

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