Thursday, February 10, 2011

Freewrite 2/10: More things

If there's anything I'm thankful for today, it's that I'm not nearly as pained as I was yesterday.  Yesterday was harder to get through because everything hurt so damn much.  Today is definitely a lot better, likely due to my counseling session yesterday giving me the chance to let out most of what I was feeling/dealing with.

Speaking of that, in case anyone really needed confirmation that Justin's insulting little 'Friends With Benefits' suggestion was garbage, even the therapist said she thought it was ridiculous.  Sure, she said she could see it if that was what we agreed to way back in June, but she thought it as sensible an idea as I do (hint: I still don't) after all this time has passed.

And really?  For him to go from complaining about my spending too much time with him to not spending enough with him?  It's silly.  Just a couple weeks ago, he was complaining because we'd spent most of the prior weekends together.  He kept telling me he wanted more of 'his' space, since weekends were all he had to himself.  And now, when he has all the space he could want (with the chance of us scheduling date times when we can fit them in) he STILL complains?  I really can't win, can I?

Ah well, if I can't I can't.  I'm making plans of my own for the two of us for the weekend.  It won't be anything fancy, but I'm thinking creatively and I hope he chooses to join me.  I also have a gift I made up for him, which will either be given to him this weekend or mailed to him if he chooses not to spend the time with me.  Either way, I'm still going to keep going forward and working to survive.  What's my other option, after all?  Give up and go back to San Diego?  Not on my agenda, thanks.

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