Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Freewrite 2/1: Family stuffs

Another of these rare early morning freewrites that leaves a door open for another one later this evening.  This is technically a holdover from last night, since I didn't emotionally feel up to writing.

So I talked to Mom for a bit last night.  If you've been watching this space for any amount of time, you'll know I've admitted a few times to missing Ramona.  We talked for about five minutes (nothing new on her end, same old same old as far as she's concerned), and I told her about the new job in San Dimas and about school.

Her response to my school talk was...interesting, to say the least.  I wasn't expecting rapt fascination, but I wasn't really expecting to feel as though she was brushing it off.  Her response was essentially 'Well, if that's what you want to do'; and coming from someone who always wanted me to finish school and have a workable education, it bothers me a bit.  I know speculation is essentially worthless, but I still have to wonder if she still believes this is some sort of wild idea of mine that I'll 'get over' in time.  Get over, go back down there, and go back to how things were.  Or maybe it's so far removed from the 'typical' career choices people make that there really is no talk point unless you've been there.  I can yak to my heart's content with my program classmates about school, I can talk with my instructors, and I can talk with folks working in the field.  But layfolks/parents/others?  Seems it's tough to find a good conversation point.  Still, it was enough to bother me a touch last night, even though I miss my old home a little bit less now.

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