Monday, February 21, 2011

(Overdue) Freewrite 2/21: Evenness

Wow, I've really been remiss in writing in here, haven't I?  Well, as I said to Justin the other day, I really haven't felt the need to write anything in here (to which he responded I should write anyway, even if it simply says 'I have nothing to write' or somesuch).  So, let's see if I can't get back into the right habit of writing again, shall we?

Things have been even-to-variable on pretty much all fronts.  I still get homesick here and there (more on that in a bit, it's something I plan to write on), but I manage.  I'm back to job-hunting since the job I currently have has the most irregular hours and there's no guarantee that in the short-term it'll get better.  Apparently, if one of my co-workers is to be believed, this is how the boss at the shop is on a regular basis.  Joy.  But I'm getting out and around, and feeling that much better for it.  I think the fact that I landed this job has been a big shot in the arm for me confidence-wise, now I need to see if anything better shows up due to my searchings.  I don't always show it outwardly, but I do have a good feeling something will help, whether I get more hours at the current gig and am able to stay, or something better shows up and I take that.  I just need to keep on truckin', as it were.

School has been good, though nothing really that eventful.  I will confess to one blunder I made in a post here a while back.  I'd mentioned wanting to go full-time+ for the next few semesters and be done next year.  In thinking about life outside of school, work possibilities, and so on, I think the best course of action for me would be not to go that route.  In Fall of '09, I took 20 units while working 30 some-odd hours per week.  I made it through with good grades, but it was so taxing that it didn't feel like it was worth it.  Thursday I have a meeting with the Mortuary Science academic counselor, and I plan to talk with her about setting limits on what I take each semester so I can better balance things.  It feels like the right choice for me to make.

Speaking of things I've decided, my homesickness made me make another decision.  The way I'd been operating was a) feel homesick, b) talk with Mom, feel a bit better for a few hours, c) then gradually feel worse over time, to the point where Cindy even notices I'm sliding.  So I've made the choice to limit the contact with home, at least for the time being.  For whatever reason, it's not doing me any favors, and it tends to hinder the progress I'm making here.  Now, that doesn't mean I'm cutting off all contact with them; I do know their e-mail address and I can still write letters and communicate with them in some ways.  I just feel that phone calls aren't benefitting me at all at this point in time.

And finally (though these weren't ranked due to importance), things with Justin appear to be settling down a little.  I had asked him when we might be able to spend time together again, and he seems to be going back to the way he was before.  In short, he told me that it was enough for him to know that I'm doing well, moving forward, and that I care for him.  He acknowledged his actions from a couple weeks ago were selfishly motivated, and that he doesn't need to be with me to feel close to me.  So I'm cautiously optimistic in that regard.  We'll see where things go from here.

Wow, this got long.  Guess that what happens when I (erroneously) believe I have nothing to say in here.  So, until tomorrow, I guess I'll close here.

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