Monday, February 28, 2011

Freewrite 2/28: My Mind

I find that my mind works in rather strange ways.  It seems it needs to constantly have some purpose or other, otherwise it tends to meander and do its own thing.  Kinda like daydreaming, only ratcheted up to about ten or eleven.

Why does this come to mind, as it were?  Well, I was pondering why I appear to miss Justin as much as it seems I do.  Every so often, I'll just think out of the blue about how much I miss him and want to see him.  I'll then ask myself 'Why?  Why is this so important all of a sudden?' (or some variant thereof) and the thought subsides, only to resurface at a later point in time.

Now, don't get me wrong.  It's not all bad.  There are times when thinking about him and wanting to be with him are good things, like when I'm alone and desire some company.  When it starts to get annoying is when it's a constant idle thought, when I can barely sit for five minutes without pondering how much I wish I could see him.  The funny thing is, it's not even anything critical or life-or-death I think of, merely spending time with him.  Still, it is a pain.

If I'm going to keep on trucking through the next few months without completely losing my senses, I really need to get this in hand.  I'll have to think of a way to do so, mayhaps other types of writings might help steer my focus properly at idle times.  (Also, I miss writing letters by hand.  I wonder if my sending an occasional handwritten letter would be appreciated?)

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