Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Freewrite 6/14: Things to do

I've come to the conclusion that even the strongest, most put-together individuals do have their weak points here and there.  They aren't necessarily fatal weaknesses, just those little cracks and chinks in their armor that can cause small wounds.  It's all part of being human, methinks.

I feel like the limbo-esque transition period I've been in since December is winding down.  I'm still not perfectly independent, but I've made a lot of progress since then.  And I plan to continue making progress in whatever ways I can.  I've got great friends and a great extended family who are supportive and loving, so I think I'll be fine.  Not as sure about him at this immediate snapshot in time, but meh.  He can do as he pleases, though part of me hopes he's at least mildly supportive in his way.

One complaint I do have is about distracted I've felt this past week.  If you read my Facebook, you've seen that I'm pondering switching from Mortuary Science at a Community College level to Cal State Northridge.  I have conditional acceptance to CSUN, I can essentially get my entire education covered there, and I can work on my first Bachelor's degree, then go back to school in a couple years and get a BS in Nursing.  Don't get me wrong, I love Mortuary Science, and I have a new appreciation for the industry based on the classes and my job.  But my love has always been Medical/Healthcare.  I also have the issue of not being able to receive further financial aid at the CC level due to my high unit count and the fact I have two Associate's degrees from Palomar (General Studies, still better than absolutely nothing methinks.)

As far as education goes, I have two options due to the fact I missed getting an Algebra class that's needed for transfer to CSUN.  I can still get fee waivers from Cypress, so I can retake any courses from Spring that I did poorly in, take the missing Algebra class, then start attending CSUN in Spring.  Or I can take the route I plan to take:  Write an appeals letter telling the folks at CSUN Admissions what happened and why I didn't get that last class, fax it to them, and see if they allow me to attend in Fall (I'll even mention if I'm accepted for Fall, the Algebra is the first class I plan on enrolling in).  If it works, great.  If not, I'll fall back to plan A up there and see how I can attend in Spring.  Hey, it's worth a shot, isn't it?

So that's my status as of today.  Thanks for hanging in there with me, everyone.

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