Friday, June 24, 2011

Freewrite 6/24: Hurt

I feel like I've failed in some ways in all of this.

I go into relationships to work with the other person so we both can be happy.  Obviously, I was happy with Justin.  I loved his company, wanted to spend more time with him, wanted to do things with him...anything I could to keep getting to know who he was.  But I couldn't make him happy.  As hard as I might try, as much effort as I kept trying to put in, I couldn't do it.  I kept trying, but it wasn't enough.  I gave what I could, but it wasn't enough.  I love him, even as I feel like I completely failed, like I can't do anything right.

Sometimes I wonder if Mom's snide little comment about being unwanted is more accurate than I'll let myself admit.  Sometimes, I wonder if I'll ever be happy....

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