Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Freewrite 6/29: Respect (or the lack thereof)

I'm just going to come right out and ask this.

Who the HELL does he think he is?

I'm serious.  For someone who wants to remain friends, he's being an asshole.  There, I'm calling him out right here and now.  He is being a disrespectful asshole and I refuse to sit quietly and take it.  I was forgiving before, I'm not being as forgiving now.  He told me to my face that he wanted to remain friends.  I am fine with that, since he and I have become rather close since first meeting.  But his recent behavior has shown what a fucking LIAR he is.  He has done nothing but lie through his damn teeth about the whole 'friends' thing, and I'm not dealing with it anymore.

He is completely disrespectful of any wishes I might have, no matter how small.  I've asked him numerous times to talk with me about what we each expect from things, and each time I get silence.  He won't agree, he won't disagree, he just ignores me as though he hopes I'll shut up and go away.  He won't tell me he'd prefer doing things with others, he just ignores me, again as though he hopes I'll shut up and go away.  I know he's got a lot on his plate with moving and all, but he still ignores me like I'm fucking garbage.  The least he could do is let me know something, even if just 'hey, I'm busy right now.  Can we talk about it later?'.  But apparently, I'm not even worth that in his mind.

Do I really want to be friends with a lying, disrespectful prat like him?  Do I want to put myself through the whole deal with trying to remain friendly while he treats me like shit?  I am so sick of this.  The guy CLEARLY has no fucking clue how to treat friends, and I've just about had it.  I've had it with being ignored, with being blown off, with his acting like I'm a fucking nuisance.  Trust me, I'm about thisclose to cutting him off for good.  All it would take is him giving me one more reason, and that's it.  I'm through being nice simply because he's a so-called 'nice guy'.  I refuse to stomach it any further.

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