Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fluff/Freewrite 3/27: Little Wonders

Have you ever had something happen that seems small, but still makes a profound difference?  Something that you can explain rationally, but you find almost inexplicable in the bigger context of things?  Well, while I can't say any specifics about the day (for obvious reasons), I had one of these little experiences.

I was assisting with a service today.  It was a bit heartbreaking, as many services typically are.  I was in the chapel waiting for the family to arrive for the service while the director was busy with other details of the service.  As I stood in the center of the chapel, the clouds shifted enough to let the sun shine through.  Now, the chapel has a pretty, high window in one wall that lets light in when the sun is angled correctly.  In this case, everything lined up perfectly...and the sunlight shining through the window fell directly on a small table that held a few mementos of the son's.  It was such a beautiful sight that I just watched it for several minutes, all the while wishing it would last until the family arrived.  Sadly, it didn't.  The sun shifted and the clouds moved enough that it faded a few minutes before they arrived.  But I made sure to tell them what I saw, and that I'd wished I could have taken a photo of it for them.  It seemed to really comfort them.
Now, rationally, I know what caused it.  But in the context of what I was assisting with, it couldn't have been a mere coincidence.  I wonder if it wasn't also a sign of sorts for me in a small way, since I was really the only one who saw it in all its glory (to use a cliche).  I've been so emotionally mixed recently -with a few hopeless feeling moments here and there- that I could use an encouraging sign.  It left me with a very warm feeling.

So that was that.  It may hold more interest to me than anyone else.  Still, I thought it noteworthy.

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