Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Freewrite 3/29: What I need

I was asked a while back what I feel I need from Justin.  At the time, I was so busy worrying about settling myself that I really didn't have a straight answer to give.  But now, I think I do.  (This may be added to at a later time this morning, due to time constraints.)

The biggest thing I feel he needs to work on with me is communicating.  I know, I know.  It's the same thing he's said I need to work on with him, but it's true.  He has just as much issue (if not more) with communicating things to me as I do with him.  The biggest things I take issue with are the lacking communication and the timing of talking with me, as it were.

The former is rather frustrating to deal with.  I'll ask him a question, and he won't answer.  I'll talk to him about something, he'll give a vague 'we'll see' and I never hear about it again.  A bit more openness would help a lot here, for lack of a better way of putting it.

The latter gets extremely frustrating as well.  As you've likely seen me vent in here, he will tend to literally leave communicating about things until the last minute, when I keep having to prod him about them.  Only when I prod enough do I get an answer, and it often winds up annoying both of us in the process.  I can't read his mind, I can't know what he's really wanting/thinking unless he actually steps up and tells me.  I know he doesn't really plan things in advance or anything of that sort, but working with me to make sure we're both on the same page would be somewhat helpful.

Of course, there might be one or two other things.  But I don't have time right now to get into them.  They'll have to wait until next time.

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