Friday, March 25, 2011

Freewrite 3/25 2/2: Transition

I feel like there's a lot on my mind, so I thought putting it down would help me focus better.  Nothing is set in stone, things can still change from here.  But keeping my head clear will help me in the long run.

I've been generally feeling good today, especially considering the bet I started with Justin.  I'm surprised that I don't feel the same disconnect I often felt when trying this in the past.  Methinks I'm finally settling to a point where I can focus on things without him.  I still miss having him near me, but I'll live.  No, I'll do more than that.  I'll live, I'll eventually thrive, and I'll hope to see him soon.  At this point, that's the best I can do.

I guess what's making me the most unsettled is my keeping an eye out for a new place to live.  Nothing's happened, I'm not being kicked out...nothing like that.  Cindy has mentioned in the past that, were I to find a job nearer to school, I should look for a place that would be near both school and work.  And it makes a lot of sense to do so.  Right now, I spend a fair amount just getting back and forth from Azusa to Cypress and/or Brea and back.  It would be nice to cut back on my transit spending.  Adding to that is Cindy's need to survive, which means rent here will be higher for me if I stay for more than another month or so.  I totally agree with her reasoning for it as well, so no arguments here.  Her priority is keeping a roof over her head, and I respect that.

I have a few other, less tangible reasons as well.  I guess I feel a bit...disconnected up here at times.  Most of my classmates live near campus, or within a short driving distance.  It would be nice to be able to meet up with them for study sessions or coffee or anything like that without having to worry about a long trip home.  It sounds strange coming from me, but I'm really starting to feel like I'm connecting with more than a few of my classmates, and a bit more social time here and there couldn't hurt as long as it doesn't get in the way of studying or work.  It would also be nice to be nearer to other folks I know who live in that area, like Bill and Patty.  I love them like second parents, and I've missed visiting with them since I've been so busy with life.  I'm glad they are so understanding, but I'd still like to feel more connected in ways to them.

I guess the time aspect is also important to me in all this room-hunting.  Since I don't currently have a car (and saving for one will take a LOT of time), I rely on transit to get where I need to get.  From here, that can eat a big chunk out of my day, both morning and evening.  Being closer to school and work will mean I can spend more time at each, without worrying about what route will get me home with enough time to eat, study, and hopefully catch enough sleep to function well the next day.

If I'm going to take this route, I guess my next step is to keep my eyes open and see what comes up that I can afford (and that isn't too far from things).  As always, I'll see where the world takes me.  I've found a couple leads that may prove promising, but anything can still happen.

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