Friday, March 25, 2011

Freewrite 3/25: A Bet, of Sorts

So Justin and I are starting a bit of a bet today.  While we talked a bit last night, he mentioned how 'frustrating' it was for him that I keep wanting to talk with him when he's said he doesn't necessarily want to (more on that in a while).  I eventually told him, in essence, to be careful what he wished for, that I could easily shut down and refrain from communicating with him at all.  Needless to say, he took me up on it, so we're at this 'Extremely limited contact except when utterly necessary' point, which will last at least until one or the other of us cracks.

Well, guess who it's not going to be.

See, he seems to forget how easily I can disengage from things when I so choose to.  He seems to forget how difficult it was a couple years ago for him to get me to talk with him at all.  He would e-mail me, and I might respond the same day.  Or I might take a few days.  Or I might not respond at all.  It really depended on a) if I felt I had something to say in reply, and b) if I really wanted to talk at all.  So he's not really starting off in a good spot to begin with.  Even before our little bet, I'd been thinking of pulling back on the contact with him, since cutting off emotionally is infeasible for me unless it's a survival thing.

And here's one question I do have, which keeps bugging me a bit.  If he really didn't want to be in contact with me so much, why didn't he simply remind me of that?  For example, if I initiated a conversation, he could answer with something to remind me that he doesn't really want contact and leave it at that.  He never had to actually have a conversation with me, an answer would have easily sufficed.  I've had no issue with leaving him to his own devices when he's had a rough day and wants time to himself, how would this have been any different?

In the course of our chat last night, I did warn him to be careful what he wished for.  Let's see if the guy can actually handle the consequences of challenging me.

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