Sunday, March 6, 2011

Freewrite 3/6: A New Experience

So tonight was something new for me.  Because I had the weekend off (no hours in San Dimas, but I do start my work study on Tuesday.  Go me.), Cindy was awesome enough to invite me along to Dungeonmaster over in L.A. tonight.  I went, I put in a character, I was called up on stage to play, I saw one of my classmates there, and it was a blast.

What wasn't quite as much fun was seeing Justin.  The guy barely paid me any attention, and most of the attention I was paid by him was due to my seeking him out.  Otherwise, I was there waiting for him to actually acknowledge me in some fashion, which he barely did.  He knew a lot more people than I did, but he made no effort to introduce me or bring me into any sort of conversation.  I literally had to seek people out to talk with.  I also got the feeling he wasn't too thrilled that I was called on stage and he wasn't.  I'd wanted to play DM since he told me about it, but I would have been just as happy sitting in the audience supporting him when he went onstage.  I felt like any support he might have given me was barely cursory in nature, asking if I had fun and so on.

Seriously?  The guy was being a fucking jerk.  I was there, just as he (and I) had always wanted, and then he barely paid any attention to me.  He didn't try to introduce me to anyone, he just left me hanging.  Okay, I get it.  He wants to keep his precious feelings from possibly being bruised in a few months.  But this?  This was so beyond insulting it's not even funny.  I don't give a shit what little games he wants to play, I want to be treated with the courtesy and respect I deserve from him.  I'm not going to be treated like fucking garbage simply because he can't man up and be courteous.

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